For users working with ArCADia system elements (walls, pipes or lines), one could say that they do not differ, because the ArCADia system is the same in these three programs. Each of the versions will allow you to create a view of the building, assign subsequent floors, draw internal installations in the building or see the project in the 3D view window. If we have additional industry modules, it varies on what cross-sections, axonometries, extensions, etc. we can introduce on all versions of the programs. Only the CAD 3D view will not be inserted in ArCADia LT, because it is a flat CAD drawing.
From the previous sentences it seems that in each version you can view the project in 3D view, then how is ArCADia LT a flat CAD program? Yes, it is, if you open a file from ArCADia LT, i.e. a dwg file in another CAD program that does not have ArCADia, there will only be flat drawings of views, cross-sections and axonometry if of course additional views are inserted. But in the program itself, having the 3D View window, you can see the designed building, walk around it or even record a film from such a walk. But this is only in the 3D View window.
The graphic module, in which we draw is 2D. Additionally, in comparison to ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS, it is reduced in options of drawing additional elements. You can draw lines, polylines, circles or polygons. You can enter text, simple dimensioning, pdf or tiff underlay. Blocks can be defined and entered. Once you have selected a drawn element, you can edit it: copy, move, rotate, scale, trim, extend, create a mirror, array and define an offset. You could say that all this is also available in ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS, because this is exactly the case. But the difference is that in ArCADia LT a circle can be entered in 2 ways (centre and radius and through 3 points) and in the other two versions of the program in 7 ways.
In ArCADia LT a print sheet is drawn and only what is in it is printed. Simple and clear, which after a double click on the frame allows you to define the size of the sheet and the scale of the drawing. In ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS we can work in Model and Sheets, so we can create several or even more sheets in the project and add necessary elements (table, descriptions) that do not clutter the model. They are only in the sheet. In ArCADia LT the frame of the print sheet is moved manually between successive elements to be printed, and in the other two versions single or all sheets can be printed at the same time with the Publish option.
In ArCADia LT there is a large-line text, in the other two versions there is also a single-line text for titles and captions under drawings. Dimensioning differs considerably as dimensioning styles are supported in ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS, which allow you to enter different types of dimensioning in a single drawing without having to modify each dimension you enter. Additionally, there are many options to assist in dimensioning, e.g. series dimension, base dimension or by specifying coordinates. It is easy to dimension an arc, a circle or any drawing element with a reference line.
The most important difference is the layer support and access to the ArCADia Explorer, which allows you to manage the entire drawing and all dimension text styles, sheets, blocks defined in the program and external references. The options listed now are available only in ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS. In these versions of the program, there is also a command area, which allows for greater flexibility in entering data and adapting the program to your habits (handling and creating your own keyboard shortcuts, aliases, switching the program to toolbars instead of using ribbons).
In ArCADia LT there is a Command Bar for entering coordinates, lengths and angles, you cannot enter commands or variables there. Only values that are needed during drawing or editing to indicate the position of an element. You can only customize the program by changing the background colour and ribbons.
And what is the difference between ArCADia and ArCADia PLUS? Until now they have been mentioned in everything at the same time. ArCADia PLUS has all the ArCADia options, plus the ability to create and edit ACIS solids, i.e. three-dimensional spatial solids that can be shaped, cut, drawn, etc.
The table below lists the options available in the three program versions:
Features of CAD programs |
ArCADia LT 12 |
ArCADia 12 |
ArCADia PLUS 12 |
Ribbon interface |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Dynamic data entry |
– |
+ |
+ |
Object-based building model creation with basic architectural elements |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Uploading the building model to the ArCADia-RAMA program |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Drawing the water supply installation in a building |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Drawing the sewage installation in a building |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Drawing the gas installation in a building |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Drawing the heating installation in a building |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Drawing the electric installation in a building |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Introduction of lists of drawn internal installations |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Export of entered lists to files: RTF and CSV (lists of elements) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Possibility to check changes in subsequent versions of the ArCADia system project |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Merging industry projects of the ArCADia system into one model |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Detection of collisions between elements of the model made in the ArCADia system |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Classic or real-time 3D view of the created ArCADia system project |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Recording of the project walkthrough from the 3D advanced view mode in MP4 format |
+ |
+ |
+ |
PBR texture library |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Animation of the sun from the advanced 3D view mode |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Defining the level of detail for individual views |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Smart list of the most frequently used commands (Top 10) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Built-in library of 2D and 3D objects |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Animated objects library |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Built-in ArCADia BIM system with the possibility of expanding it with functions of industry modules |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Creating a three-dimensional CAD project with ArCADia system objects |
– |
+ |
+ |
Length, area, and perimeter measurement options |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Compatibile with DWG format |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Open and save in DWG formats from 2.5 to |
to 2018 |
to 2018 |
to 2018 |
Save and open in DXF, DWT |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Save and open in DWF |
– |
+ |
+ |
Export to PDF |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Export to 3D DWF |
– |
+ |
+ |
Export to BMP, WMF, EMF, SVG formats |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Create and edit drawings in 3D |
– |
+ |
+ |
Command line support |
– |
+ |
+ |
Interface customization (defining and editing: ribbons, toolbars, context menus, aliases, keyboard shortcuts) |
– |
+ |
+ |
Changing colour of backgrounds and ribbons |
– |
+ |
+ |
Recurring selection, deleting duplicates (Overkill) |
– |
+ |
+ |
System Variable Manager |
– |
+ |
+ |
Audit and recover DWG files |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Display linewight |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Support for multiple paper areas |
– |
+ |
+ |
Custom shape viewports |
– |
+ |
+ |
Working with 3D surfaces |
– |
+ |
+ |
Working with 3D objects - Facet Modeler |
– |
+ |
+ |
LISP and DCL support |
– |
+ |
+ |
IRX technology support |
– |
+ |
+ |
AutoCAD menu (.mnu) and scripting files (.scr). |
– |
+ |
+ |
TrueType and SHX font support |
+ |
+ |
+ |
STB and CTB plot styles support |
– |
+ |
+ |
Inserting PDF underlay |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Working on multiple projects simultaneously |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Setting visual styles |
– |
+ |
+ |
Rendering basic 3D elements |
– |
+ |
+ |
Script saving |
– |
+ |
+ |
ACIS solid reading and modeling |
Read only |
Read only |
+ |
Wipeout function |
– |
+ |
+ |
Scaling |
+ |
+ |
+ |
2D View |
+ |
+ |
+ |
3D View |
– |
+ |
+ |
Inserting multiline |
– |
+ |
+ |
Construction lines |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Arc dimensioning |
– |
+ |
+ |
Find and replace function |
– |
+ |
+ |
Editing blocks in-place |
– |
+ |
+ |
Layer support tools |
– |
+ |
+ |
Quick select window |
– |
+ |
+ |
Revision cloud |
– |
+ |
+ |
Drawing 2D basic elements: (lines, polylines, circles, arcs, ellipses, regular polygons and rectangles) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Extended creation of 2D drawings for plain, multiline, splines, sketching and other drawing options |
– |
+ |
+ |
Basic drawing editing: (move, copy, scale, rotate, mirror, array, trim, explode and offset) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Full modification of 2D drawing (chamfering, breaking, connecting, matching, etc.). |
– |
+ |
+ |
Import of underlays from RVT, RFA files |
RVT* |
RVT* |
RVT* |
Import of underlays from IFC files |
IFC* |
IFC* |
IFC* |
Reading DWG files containing a project made in the ArCADia BIM system * |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Editing of DWG files containing a project made in the ArCADia BIM system ** |
+ |
+ |
+ |
IFC * File import and export in IFC format using the ArCADia-IFC RVT module. It is also possible to convert IFC models into ArCADia BIM system objects.
RVT * Import of files in RVT and RFA formats using the ArCADia-IFC RVT modules.
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