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Saving the Properties of ArCADia System Elements
18 October 2022

INTERsoft-INTELLICAD 2022 - webinar PART 1

We have started our new series of webinars related to INTERsoft-INTELLICAD 2022 EN.


The webinar is very useful for new users as well as for all those who have been already working with INTELLICAD, to take advantage of all the capabilities of the program.

The first webinar contains an overview of the program and its main parts.


The topics presented in the first part are:


  • Program window structure (bars, ribbons, panels, status bar, graphic screen)

  • Information about layers

  • Command line (English commands)

  • Background colour and autosave time settings

  • Restoring the default program settings

  • Supported drawing formats

  • Document repair and cleaning functions



The entire webinar can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEIQRgcqo2s&t=774s


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